What is motion on the web.
Jan 26, 2025
Motion is a form of storytelling. You tell a story by breathing life into otherwise static web experiences.
A web experience is an experience you want people to relate to and to make a relatable experience, you craft a narrative. Motion is a way of conveying that narrative by figuring out what needs to move, when it needs to move and how it needs to move.
Animation and transitions are forms of motion which are vehicles of narration.
I have been wondering about what makes interactive web experiences filled with so much soul, and while it is the tool being used which makes it possible (Framer motion, CSS Animation, Lottie files, Rive), what inspires is the story that is being told. Not motion for it's own sake. Motion for its own sake could get confusing after all.
The Dropbox redesigned brand website is a good example of motion used right. It reminds me of a quote by Emil Kowalski.
Great animations have a purpose
You can check out the Dropbox project here.
The move forward is to take only functional experiences and make them rich functional experiences. Inbuing them with a power to touch hearts with their stories.
The web is a medium of storytelling, let's embrace that once again.